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ToggleIn the early stages of a relationship, deciding what to say to your crush to let them know you are interested can sometimes be challenging to find the right words.
You want to make a good impression and let your crush know that you like them, but at the same time, you don’t want to come on too strong or say something that will make them uncomfortable.
One way to strike the perfect balance is to come up with some cute things to say to your crush.
These expressions are friendly and flirty without being too forward. They will let your crush know that you care about them without making things too serious.
Harder than it sounds, I know.
Nowadays, with the dating sphere telling you what to do and not to do, it can be hard to know where to start.
The Best Cute things to say to your crush

Best things to say to your crush in person
When you are on a dating app or sliding in someone’s DM’s, it is a lot easier to find the courage to say what is on your mind.
But when you are face to face with the person you like, it can be a lot harder to think of something cute or clever to say.
Not to worry, though. Here’s a list of some of the best things to say to your crush in person that will hopefully give you the boost you need to finally tell them how you feel.
1. “I really like you and want to get to know you better.”
2. “You’re really cute and I can’t stop thinking about you.”
3. “I don’t know what it is, but there’s something about you that I really like.”
4. “I’ve been drawn to your amazing smile since the day we met.”
5. “You’re different than anyone else I’ve ever met, and I like that about you.”
6. “I would love to go on a date with you sometime.”

Things to say to your crush over text
Since it’s easier to send a text message than deal with your shyness or anxiety when talking to your crush in person, it’s easy to come on too strong over text.
You want to be flirty and cute, but not so much that you come across as desperate or needy.
Here are some things to say to your crush over text that will strike the perfect balance between flirty and friendly.
7. “Hey cutie, I was thinking about you earlier and just had to message you.”
8. “I hope you’re having a great day. I know I am because I got to talk to you.”
9. “You’re hilarious and I like that about you.”
10. “I can’t wait to see you again. I had so much fun the last time we hung out.”
11. “Out of all the cute things about you, your smile is my favorite.”
12. “You’re so sweet and I can’t get enough of you.”
13. “I have a busy day ahead and will be tied up, but I’ll be thinking about you all day long.”
14. “Good morning, gorgeous. I hope you have a fantastic day.”
15. “The most beautiful moments I have ever had has been with you.”
If you want more inspiration on what you can say over text when wishing her a good night, then check out our article, 81 Best Good Night Text For Her.

Cute things to say to your crush to make them smile
When you like someone, one of the best things you can do is make your crush smile.
A genuine smile will not only brighten up their day, but it will also let them know that you are thinking of them.
Here are some cute things to say to your crush to make them smile.
16. “You always know just what to say to make me laugh.”
17. “I love hearing you laugh. It’s the best sound in the world.”
18. “You’re so cute when you smile. I can’t help but smile too.”
19. “I was just thinking about you and how much I enjoy your company.”
20. “You are definitely my favorite person to talk to.”
21. “I wish I could be with you all the time. I have so much fun when I’m with you.”
22. “Only you can make me smile before I fall asleep.”
23. “There’s never an awkward moment when I’m with you.”

Romantic things to say to your crush
After a connection is made and you know the other person likes you too, it’s time to start ramping up the romance.
These things are a little more forward than the others on this list, but they will let your crush know that you want to take things to the next level.
Here are some cute things to say to your crush when you want to be romantic:
24. “Sweet dreams, I’ll be dreaming of you.”
25. “I can’t wait to hold you in my arms and kiss you.”
26. “You’re the only one I want to be with.”
27. “I’m falling for you harder and harder each day.”
28. “I get tongue tied around you because I’m so nervous and excited.”
29. “You make my heart pound every time I see you.”
30. “I have no ideas what I would do without you.”
31. “My day instantly gets better when I see you.”
32. “I’ve been busy writing love songs about you and you know I can’t even sing. That’s how much you mean to me.”

Things to say to your crush when you miss them
If you’re in a long-distance relationship or if you just don’t get to see your crush as often as you’d like, it’s only natural that you’ll start to miss them.
When you’re feeling lonely and missing their company, here are some things to say to your crush that will let them know how you feel.
33. “I wish you were here with me right now.”
34. “I’m missing your smile and can’t wait to see you again.”
35. “I hate being away from you. I miss you so much.”
36. “My day isn’t complete until I get to talk to you.”
37. “I go to bed thinking of you and wake up missing you.”
38. “You’re always on my mind, no matter where I am.”
39. “I can’t wait for the day when we can be together again.”
40″I miss you the same way I miss the sun after a long winter.”
If you want more ideas about what to say to someone when you miss them, check out our article, 69 Funny, Cute and Creative Ways To Say I Miss You.

Funny things to say to your crush
It’s good to switch things up and not be so serious all the time.
Breaking up the tension with a little bit of humor will let your crush know that you’re fun to be around and that you’re not taking things too seriously.
Here are some funny things to say to your crush.
41. “I’m starting to think you only like me for my good looks.”
42. “You’re kinda weird but the cute kinda weird I like.”
43. “I don’t know what’s more beautiful, your face or your personality.”
44. “You’re so cute it’s actually kind of annoying.”
45. “I didn’t realize my dream girl was so short.”
46. “I’m happy to hear you say I’m your type. Now I just need to know what type that is.”
47. “Bring that cute smile of yours over here so I can kiss it.”
48. “I totally forgot my phone number. Can I have yours?”
49. “What’s a perfect gentleman like myself doing without your phone number?”
50. “There are only two things I want on a Saturday night: you and a 12-piece.”
51. “I’ll fight a fat guy for the last piece of cake if you want it.”
52. “Cuddling is my favorite exercise. Wanna work out with me?”
53. “Can I borrow a kiss from you? I promise I’ll give it back.”

Sweet things to say to your crush
It doesn’t matter if you are a high-value or consider yourself alpha.
Sometimes you have to hit them with sweet words to make their day.
Here are some sweet things to say to your crush that will make them feel special.
54. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
55. “I can’t imagine my life without you.”
56. “I can listen to you talk forever.”
57. “Just one message from you, and my day is made.”
58. “I always have a smile on my face when I’m talking to you.”
59. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
60. “No one makes me feel as special as you do.”
61 “I love spending time with you. It’s the best part of my day.”
62. “I can’t wait to see you again. I miss you so much.”
63. “I was writing my wish list and the only thing I could think of was you.”
64. “I don’t need anything else in this world as long as I have you.”
65. “I’m a better person because of you.”
66. “Thank you for just being you and for being mine.”
67. “My entire world instantly becomes better when I’m with you.”
68. “Dear crush, I just wanted to let you know that you’re always on my mind.”
69. “If I’m caught staring, just know I’m thinking about how cute you are.”
70. “The only thing on my to-do list is to make sure the nights worthwhile. I can’t wait to see you later.”

Flirty things to say to your crush
When you want to be clear with your intentions and let your crush know that you’re interested in taking things to the next level.
Here are some cute things to say to your crush when you want to be flirty:
71. “I can’t stop thinking about you.”
72. “You’re all I can think about.”
73. “I can’t get you out of my head.”
74. “I’m constantly thinking about the way you looked in that dress.”
75. “I can’t wait to feel your skin against mine.”
76. “You’re so hot. It’s hard to resist you.”
77. “I’m trying to think of something cute to say but all I can think about is how cute you are.”
78. “I couldn’t even focus on the game tonight after seeing you in that outfit.”
79. “I don’t know if you’re aware, but I think you’re the most beautiful creature on this planet.”
80. “I’m so attracted to you. I couldn’t even resist kissing you right now.”
81. “I wish I could whisk you away and have my way with you.”
82. “There are a few cute things I can’t resist, like a kitten, a baby, and you.”
83 “I’m getting butterflies just thinking about seeing you again.”
84. “I don’t know what it is about you, but I just can’t keep my hands off you.”

Chessy things to say to your crush
When done right, being cheesy can actually be cute and endearing.
Your crush will appreciate the effort you put into trying to make them smile.
Here are some cute things you could say that may come off as cheesy:
85. “I love you, I love you, did I mention I looooove you!”
86. “You’re the peanut butter to my jelly.”
87. “You’re the macaroni to my cheese.”
88. “You’re so cute I could put you in my pocket and take you wherever I go.”
89. “I want to be with you forever and ever and ever.”
90. “If I had one wish, it would be to be with you forever.”
91. “I’ll give you that Buzz Lightyear love to infinity and beyond.”
92. “Your smile shines brighter than the stars.”
93.”I would be lost without you.”
94. “You make my heart race faster than a speeding bullet.”

Compliments to give your crush
When you like someone, it’s only natural that you want to make them feel good by giving them compliments.
However, it’s important to be genuine with your compliments and avoid coming across as insincere.
Here are some cute things you can say to your crush that will make them feel special without being too over-the-top:
95. “I love the way you smile.”
96. “You have the most stunning eyes I’ve ever seen.”
97. “You’re so cute when you blush.”
98. “I love hearing you laugh.”
99. “You have sure a blissful smile.”
100. “You are the strongest person I know.”
101. “I know you will make it through anything because you are a fighter.”
102. “Everything about you is amazing.”
103.”You are one of the most genuine people I know.”
104. “You always make me feel so special.”
105. “Thank you for being in my life.”

Things to say to your crush when they’re upset
If your crush is going through a tough time, it’s only natural that you want to comfort them and make them feel better.
Delivery and timing are essential here. So if you are early in the relationship, you might want to tone it down a bit, so you don’t come across as doing too much.
If you know each other well, you understand how to handle the situation better.
Here are some things to say to your crush when they’re upset:
106. “I’m here for you, no matter what.”
107. “You can always talk to me. I’m here to listen.”
108. “I hate seeing you upset. What can I do for you?”
109. “I’m sorry you’re going through this. Is there anything I can do?”
110. “If there’s anything I can do to help, just let me know.”
111. “If you need to talk, I’m here for you.”
112. “It sounds like today was tough. I’m here for you.”
113. “I hope tomorrow is better for you.”
114. “I’m sorry you’re having a horrible day. Do you want to talk about it?”
115. “Is there anything I can do to make your day better?”
Cute things to say to your crush FAQ
What can I say to my crush to flirt?
Flirting is all about showing your interest in someone and trying to get them to notice you. It’s about sharing your genuine feelings without being too over the top.
You can be playful and tease your crush, make cute and flirty remarks, or try to be more seductive and say something that will make them think about you in a romantic way.
If they don’t know you are interested, it’s best to start off slow, so you don’t come on too strong.
If it is someone you have been crushing on for a while and they know it and feel the same way, too, then you can go ahead and be more daring with your words.
How do you make your crush feel special?
To make your crush feel special, you can find out what things they enjoy and what their interests are. From there, you can do something to make them feel special such as write them a romantic love letter, give them a small gift, or perform an act of service for them.
You want to make sure that your intentions are pure and that you are not doing anything to just try and take advantage of the situation. The more genuine you can be, the more your crush will appreciate your efforts.
How can I start a conversation with my crush?
The best way to start a conversation with your crush is to mention a current situation or topic you know they are interested in. This can be as simple as asking about a project they are working on or their flashy choice of sunglasses.
The main thing is to be confident and make sure you keep the conversation going by asking follow-up questions. If you can make them laugh, that’s even better!
You also want to have situational awareness. For example, if you start chatting and they mention they are about to head to something important, you need to keep it short.
Also, end on a high note. For example, if you are talking for several minutes and things are going well. So, if you feel yourself starting to force the conversation, end it there so you leave them wanting more.